Warum Olivenöl eine gute Idee für eine pflanzenbasierte Vollwerternährung ist

Rapunzel Olivenöl – extra nativ


Alle Rapunzel Olivenöle werden mittels Kaltextraktion bzw. Kaltpressung gewonnen, das bedeutet bei Temperaturen bis maximal 27 Grad Celsius, also sogar weit unter 38 Grad.

Bei den Auszeichnungen „Erste Kaltpressung“ und „Kaltextraktion“ handelt es sich um optionale Angaben gemäß der EU-Olivenöl-Verordnung (Artikel 5 der VO 29/2012 für Olivenöl). Alle Rapunzel-Olivenöle entsprechen grundsätzlich dem höchsten Standard nativ extra.

Da Rapunzel als Hersteller hochwertiger Bioprodukte keine Werbung mit Selbstverständlichkeiten betreiben will, hat Rapunzel darauf verzichtet, die Kaltpressung bzw. Kaltextraktion explizit auf den Etiketten auszuloben.

„Lifestyle is far more important than most physicians suppose.“

„Diet for stroke prevention –

…Egg yolks contain phosphatidylcholine. Both are converted by the intestinal microbiome to trimethylamine, in turn oxidised in the liver to trimethylamine n-oxide (TMAO). TMAO causes atherosclerosis in animal models, and in patients referred for coronary angiography high levels after a test dose of two hard-boiled eggs predicted increased cardiovascular risk….“

„Eigelb enthält Phosphatidylcholin. Beide werden vom Darmmikrobiom in Trimethylamin umgewandelt, das wiederum in der Leber zu Trimethylamin-n-oxid (TMAO) oxidiert wird. TMAO verursacht in Tiermodellen Atherosklerose, und bei Patienten, die zur Koronarangiographie überwiesen wurden, sagten hohe Werte nach einer Testdosis von zwei hartgekochten Eiern ein erhöhtes kardiovaskuläres Risiko voraus….“

„…The strongest evidence for dietary prevention of stroke and myocardial infarction is with the Mediterranean diet from Crete, a nearly vegetarian diet that is high in beneficial oils, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes. Persons at risk of stroke should avoid egg yolk, limit intake of red meat and consume a diet similar to the Mediterranean diet. …“

„‘The heart of The Crete-Diet is mainly vegetarian, and differs from American and northern European diets in that it is much lower in meat and dairy products and uses fruit for dessert’.“

„In the Seven Countries Study, it was discovered that coronary risk in Crete was 1/15th that in Finland and only 40% of that in Japan.“

…“The diet is not a low-fat diet; it is a low glycaemic/high-fat diet with 40% of calories from beneficial fats such as olive and canola oil, and high in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes (peas, lentils, beans, nuts and so on) „…


Weight loss with a low-carbohydrate, Mediterranean, or low-fat diet – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18635428/https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa0708681

…“The result of this discussion has been a widespread and popular, but entirely mistaken, move to increased use of low-carbohydrate (low-carb) diets, with a high intake of cholesterol and animal fat. This is disastrous, and to a great extent due to propaganda of the food industry.17 Like the sugar industry18 the meat and egg industries spend hundreds of millions of dollars on propaganda, unfortunately with great success.19–21 Box 1 provides links to information about this issue.“…

„Box 1

Links to videos about egg industry propaganda

„An Israeli diet study22 provided perhaps the best evidence that the Cretan Mediterranean diet is actually better than a low-carb diet for diabetes and insulin resistance. Overweight residents in an institution, who obtained their meals from the cafeteria, were randomised to a low-fat diet, a low-carb diet or the Mediterranean diet. Adherence was 95% at 1 year and 86% at 2 years, unusually good for dietary studies. Weight loss was identical on the low-carb and Mediterranean diet, and both were significantly better than the low-fat diet. Among participants with diabetes, fasting glucose, fasting insulin levels and insulin resistance were clearly the best on the Mediterranean diet.22


The two pillars of the egg industry propaganda are a red herring and a half-truth. The red herring is a misplaced focus on the effects of diet on fasting lipids. Diet is not about the fasting state; it is about the postprandial state.23 24 For ~4 hours after a high-fat/high-cholesterol meal, there is marked oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction and arterial inflammation.25

The half-truth is the slogan ‘eggs can be part of a healthy diet for healthy people’. This is based on two US studies that did not find harm from egg consumption except among participants who became diabetic, in whom an egg a day ‘only’ doubled coronary risk.26 27 However, as discussed above, the US diet is so bad that it is difficult to show harm from any component (figure 3). In Greece, however, where the Mediterranean diet is the norm, an egg a day increased coronary risk fivefold among persons with diabetes, and even 10 g per day of egg (a sixth of a large egg) increased coronary risk by 54%.28 Egg consumption also increases the risk of diabetes.29

…“Coffee consumption has been controversial for many years. An early report from the Framingham Study indicated that tea, but not coffee, reduced the risk of myocardial infarction.42 For both tea and coffee there are two issues to be considered: the effects of caffeine and the effects of antioxidants. Some evidence that caffeine in coffee may be harmful came from a study in which slow metabolisers of caffeine (because of a variant of the CYP1A2 genotype) appeared to have increased the risk of myocardial infarction.43 A recent meta-analysis indicates that consuming 3–5 cups per day of coffee reduces cardiovascular risk.44 As both decaffeinated and regular coffee appear to have equal benefit with regard to reduction of cardiovascular disase and diabetes,45 46 it seems likely that benefits of coffee are from bioflavonoids.

Both green tea and other forms of tea reduce cardiovascular risk. Green tea lowers blood pressure and LDL cholesterol,47 and improves endothelial function.48 However, there are differences between green tea and black tea. A report from the Rotterdam study49 indicated that consumption of the bioflavonoids quercetin, kaempferol and myricetin may account for the reduction of myocardial infarction observed with black tea consumption. The cardiovascular benefit of green tea, on the other hand, has been associated with catechins.50

Consumption of both tea and coffee appears to be beneficial. It is not known if consuming both tea and coffee would be more beneficial. Since consumption of these beverages is a personal preference with cultural differences across countries, it seems unlikely that physicians would prescribe one or the other.Go to:„…